I absolutely LOVED this wedding! All of the details were just stunning to capture. From the boots, the reception details, to the hay bales and hay wagons. Did I mention the hay wagons! Hubbard’s Farm was the perfect location to stop at for photos before flying into the reception at the Harding Residence. Yes, I said FLYING!
I can still hear that laugh!
One of my favorite moments I get to capture during a wedding. Father and Daughter right before the walk down the aisle.
Look at their hands! Love it!
I also love it because Cody took this one. =)
SO, I have to STOP right here to mention that at this point, we had a little bump in the road, things did not go exactly as planned. Christie and Josh’s surprise “grand entrance” had not arrived …. thinking that they could not delay their entrance any longer, Christie and Josh entered their reception any way, but on 4-wheels instead. Two minutes after their arrival, their ride flies over head! Ok everyone hold on. RE-DO!
So I will skip right to the good stuff! =)
Ah, that’s better =)
First DanceChristie’s Father’s Welcome Speech. Wonderful! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Father-Daughter Dance
This was Josh’s surprise gift to Christie! A new GATOR!
Ceremony: Academy Hill – Westmister, MA
Venue: Harding Residence – Princeton, MA
Officiant: Spiro Efstathiou
Florist: Beyond Petals – Westminster, MA
DJ: Matt Majikas World Record DJs
Caterer: Creedon and Company
Planning and Calligraphy: Jan Garver Janscript
Cake: Bean Counter
Dress and Tux: Country Bridal
Helicopter: John Bennet – Princeton, MA
Ceremony Musician: Mike Lynch
How did you both meet?
Christie: “They say never meet a man at a bar. Well, Josh and I met at the Mountain Barn in Princeton and have been together ever since. He says it was the motorcycle that got me, but I say it was his good looks! He did, however, take me on a motorcycle ride the next day and that’s what really reeled me in!”What was the most memorable part of your wedding day?
Christie: “My favorite most memorable part was definately watching that Gator come over the hill with the sign that said Mrs. Squash. I was so suprised and shocked. I am so happy that I knew nothing about it, even thought I begged for days that he tell me!” Josh: “The helicopter ride was the best. And I will probably get in trouble for not saying this … so, seeing Christie with her dad for the first time was also amazing. But how many times do people fly into their own wedding reception. I mean come on!” I have to mention at this point, Christie stops to remind me that these REALLY are direct quotes from Josh. =)What was the funniest?
Christie: “The funniest memory of the day was probably when we gave up on the helicopter and then it flew into the reception right when we got there. It was so funny to hop back in the ranger and beat the helicopter back to the farm. We got to make our grand entrance after all.”Josh: “Definitely Christie’s dad dancing with his napkin and spinning everyone around the dance floor. His welcome speech was pretty good too! Hip Hip Hooray!”
Advice for future brides and grooms?
Christie: “BREATHE! It goes by way to fast and it really is the most amazing day of your life. Take it all in. Enjoy your time with family and friends.” Josh: “Take the time to enjoy it because it is over before you know it. And don’t drink too much because you are definitely going to want to remember this!!”Songs
Processional: “All you need is love” – Played by Mike Lynch
Bride Processional: “Here comes the sun” – Played by Mike Lynch
Bridal Party Entrance: “5150” – Dierks Bentley
Bride/Groom Entrance: ” Stuck like Glue” – Sugarland
First Dance: “Hold you in my arms” – Ray LaMontagne
Father/Daughter Dance: “Stealing Cinderella” – Chuck Wick
Mother/Son Dance: “My Wish” – Rascal Flatts.
Last Dance: Christie: “I don’t remember because it was WELL after Midnight and I was exhausted!! I would say that’s a good sign to a day well spent!!”
Thank you Christie and Josh. We had a blast and we know you did too.
What an amazing ride!