Hi, I’m Audrey!
I am soul-ly here on this planet for the purpose of love. It's why I am passionate about weddings. It’s no wonder I have found myself here, over and over, year after year. Weddings unify SO many different humans under the common theme of love. I have witnessed many put differences aside in order to celebrate and experience one of the most special and important days in their loved ones lives. It is an honor to witness my clients, and their families.
“If love isn’t the answer to your question, you need to ask a new question."
Love is the only thing that matters.
Love overpowers fear.
Love is what’s true.
"It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings."
–A. Landers
When you work with me, not only are you supporting small business, but also local and national 501c3 charities. I have committed to donating a part of my monthly profits to causes I care very deeply about. I greatly appriciate your support and thank you.
I have committed to donating a part of my monthly profits to causes I care very deeply about: Human trafficking and sexual exploitation, medical health freedom, & vulnerable children within the DCF system; which often sets up children to continue in the same failed systems into adulthood.
I love to garden. Outdoors and indoor. Seriously, my husband may not be able to find me under all the house plant babies.
I love cooking; and eating! Making a meal for someone is true love.
I love hiking, mountains and the woods.
Coffee <3<3 French press preferred.
I'm an organization maven; finding order through chaos is my super power.
Audrey Cutler has been photographing weddings since 2007.
Audrey is a professionally trained photographer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Design and Minor in Art History from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
Many of her client's weddings have been published over the years through various publications. Read more about her press here.